Keith and I went on a sort of pilgrimage this Samhain to the island of Anglesey, which has always been an important site for British Druidry. Not only was it the site of the famous Roman slaughter of the Druids (suggesting that it was a stronghold of theirs in the first place) but it was…
Tales of Peg Powler
Liz, Sue, Claire and Carl had a fantastic night out last night. We went to Hash Bar in Darlington to see the latest in the series of brilliant Tracks Hark! music and literary events. All of the musicians were wonderful, and I particularly enjoyed the mesmerising and haunting voice of Anna Hughes. I was sad…
Alban Elfed at Thornborough Henges
Seven members of Mandua Briga went to Thornborough Henges on Sunday 25th September to celebrate Autumn Equinox at the Mabon at Thornborough Henges event that has been held there annually since 2012. We did a small ceremony in the Central Henge after the main ceremony, and it was lovely to celebrate together again and also…
Shane (AKA Syre Byrd) Says Farewell
We are sad to hear that Mandua Briga member Shane is leaving us for pastures new and far-flung. But he has left us with a lovely poem of farewell, recited beautifully. And don’t forget Shane, you are always a member of Mandua Briga so please do keep in touch with us from distant shores. We…
Fireside Chat with Eimear and Jenny
Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD) Chosen Chief Eimear Burke chatted to Jenny on Thursday 8th September about subjects including Stanwick, Scotch Corner and Queen Cartimandua, is druidry a religion?, religious education, death rituals, needle-felted Brighid / Brigantia and a song! They talked for over two hours and it was streamed live on Facebook…
Lughnasadh 2022
As the Wheel of the Year turns I am back amongst the golden bearded grains, ripening blackberries and plump sloes of the hedgerows in the borders where Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire meet. This year the acorns look plentiful, unlike the previous year. The rowan trees, as I noticed with pleasure in Darlington also, are laden with…
People of Spirit – A Tribute to Chris Palmer and Poppy Palin
Recently we have lost two artists of exceptional talent whose work was inspirational and loved by many Druids, Wiccans and other Pagans. I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to both of them here. Chris Palmer Chris lived on a 60 foot narrowboat called ‘Netty’ together with her partner Jinny Peberday and…
WhatsApp Group
Hello! We now have a Mandua Briga WhatsApp group for those who do not want to use social media (sorry it is still a Meta / Facebook product but its the best we can do). If you would like to be added then email us on and let us know your mobile number. We…
Beltane Ceremony
Mandua Briga seed group held our Beltane ceremony in Jenny’s garden, which was the inaugural group ceremony at Jenny’s house. The weather was lovely, a lot sunnier than forecast, and seven of us gathered to celebrate the season, to share food and drink and each other’s company. Beltane is an ancient festival that probably dates…
Beltane Pilgrimage to Hastings 2022
A pilgrimage is simply a journey for the purposes of adoration or worship or spiritual exercise or all of these and perhaps even more unstated personal reasons and purposes. I travelled to Hastings, East Sussex, in the last days of April. My intentions were complex and not entirely wholly spiritual (Sussex has fine traditions in…