The first outing of our new Mari – Mari Bryn!
Mari Bryn was created from the Trac Cymru: Folk Development for Wales flat-pack Mari designed by David Pitt. Keith bought this for Jenny several years ago but they didn’t find the opportunity to put it together, so when David came up to Darlington to create Mari Briga for us, he kindly agreed to take the flat pack back to Wales with him and put her together for us – who better than the person who actually designed it!
Mari Bryn is named after Bryneich – the ancient Romano-British name for Bernicia, the Anglo-Saxon kingdom that stretched from the River Tees all the way up to the River Forth in what is now Scotland. It is thought that Bryneich means ‘The Land of the Mountain Passes’.

We all had a lovely day, Mari Bryn was very well behaved for a Mari Lwyd and we discovered that she is a bit of a girlie as she really loved the pink flowery headdresses on sale at one of the stalls! Hopefully she will be back next year with extra head dresses and ribbons, and watch out – she may be a bit naughtier next time!